Asbury United Methodist Church, Cinnaminson, NJ
Friday, February 28, 2025

UMM - Asbury United Methodist Men

Asbury United Methodist Men is an organization of Christian fellowship for men that serves the Asbury church family in many ways.  Refurbishing the church's storage building was only one many examples that brought men together in bonding fellowship and service.  Another was the funding and dedication of an early 1900's unknown children's mass grave area with a monument in our cemetery:
Check our Asbury Event Calendar for UMM event details, especially the monthly breakfasts at the nearby Jersey Diner (4th Saturday each month at 8:30am) and the bi-weekly luncheons. 

Asbury UMM 2015 Calendar of events (focused on spirituality, fellowship, discipleship, service)

a.     Monthly UMM breakfast 4th Saturday at 8:30 - Jersey Diner, Rt. 130N, Cinn.
b.     Bi-weekly Men’s fellowship lunch – The Nook, River Road, Cinnaminson (12 noon)
c.     Men’s bible study on Jesus - Asbury Fellowship Hall, monthly, 3rd Saturday, 8:30am
d.     6th Annual UMM Cooking demonstration – Sunday, Feb. 8th 5pm
e.     Annual Asbury Men’s dedication renewal – Springtime date TBA
f.     Mother’s Day brunch – Sunday, May 10th
g.     Annual UMM church yard sale – late September/early October
click here to download our monthly Asbury UMM newsletter --> February 2015

Check out our event videos listed below . . .

View our Father's Day church service presentation of a lifetime membership in the United Methodist Men's national organization for Pastor John Doll in recognition of his support and service: 


And don't miss watching the fun and laughter at other events put on by the men of Asbury over the years:


by way of example, a past Church Conference report included:

UMM Activities Participation

  - Fall Roast Beef Dinner
   -  Monthly Breakfasts at Harvest Diner (8)
   -  Easter Community Breakfast
   -  Mother’s Day Celebration Breakfast
  - Hosted Men’s Breakfast in the New Fellowship Hall with UMM video presentations
  - Hosted Community wide Men’s Breakfast with National Speaker (actual presentation was open to the whole community – 8 churches sent attendees)
  - Attended Men’s Breakfast as a group (20) at PalmyraMoravianChurch event
  - Sponsored Camden Riversharks Baseball Outing
  - Hosted a Spring Men’s Cooking Demonstration (2nd Annual)
  - Saints Prison Ministry to Gloucester County Jail
  - Gideon Prison Ministry to Camden County Jail
  - Provided Breakfast Speaker at Vincentown Men’s Community Breakfast
  - Hosted annual church Yard Sale
  - Launched new Helping Hands Service for church members in need
  - Returned to using monthly Meeting Agenda/Minutes
  - Initiated e-mail to all members and church UMM Bulletin Board to reach out to more men of the church and community
  - Scheduled Spring and Fall church service weekends for cleanup and odd jobs
  - Sent three representatives to the 2009 UMM National Gathering in Nashville
  - Provided support and leadership to the NCD initiatives, both locally and Conference wide
  - Launched Men’s Bible study based on “Peter, the Making of a Disciple” program
  - Funded two scholarships to local scouting program
  - Provided financial support for church kitchen supplies
  - Attended Good Friday Men’s Breakfast at Bethany Lutheran Church
  - Plans in place to launch a Strength for Service project for both local service providers and men in service abroad
  - Provided a new water cooler for the renovated Fellowship Hall
  - Engaged several new church members in UMM activity


Goals for UMM

 To utilize the National UMM “No Man Left Behind” program to expand our outreach to all men of both church and surrounding community as a means of discipling men for Christ

To continue our progress of broadening men’s involvement by offering UMM activities across the full spectrum of . . .





Fund raising

To continue our growing list of successful programs, expanding the involvement of men in a synergistic relationship with . . .

Asbury UMW

Other local churches

Our community

Our NJ Annual Conference

The National UMM Organization

To identify new areas of service need and develop programs/activities to address those needs . . .

Men’s Annual Spiritual Retreat

Couple’s Annual Spiritual Retreat

Men’s Bible Study

Community workshop to help unemployed with job seeking skills

Build out the Helping Hands initiative

The UMM calendar is already filled with activities (check this web site's calendar for updates) - below are some past examples of UMM activities:
      1. (focused on spirituality, fellowship, discipleship, service, fund raising)

                                                           Men's Cooking demonstration - Sun Jan 31st (5 - 7pm)

    Community Employment workshop - scheduled in 1-1/2 hr sessions beginning weeknights in Feb (bi-weekly Wed evenings: 2/3, 2/17, 3/3, 3/17, 3/31, 4/14 ... from 7:00 to 9:00pm )

    Men’s Bible Study (Peter: the Making of a Disciple) – seven 1hr meetings on the 4th Saturday of each month from 10 to 11am, Feb 27th thru Aug 28th

    Good Friday Men's community wide breakfast - Fri April 2nd

    Easter Sunday breakfast - Sunday, April 4th

    UMM Spring church cleanup - Sat May 8th (10am - 2pm)

    Mother's Day breakfast - Sunday, May 9th

    Baseball Outing - August date TBA

    Asbury Yard Sale - Sat, Sept 25th (8am to 1pm)

    Sandy Cove Men’s Retreat - Oct 22 – 24th

    UMM Fall church cleanup - Sat, Oct 23rd (10am - 2pm)

    Men's community breakfast with motivational speaker - date TBA

    Fall Roast Beef dinner- Sat, Nov 13th (4 to 7pm)

    Men's bible study - new Winter series (dates TBA)

and finally, join us for the monthly UMM breakfast at the nearby Harvest Diner - 4th Saturday of each month, 8:30am - open to all men of the Church: 
For more information, your Asbury UMM officer contacts are:
     Jim Gleason, UMM President - (609) 877-4493 or e-mail:
     Ryan Hummel, UMM Vice-president - (856) 582-3456 or e-mail:
     OPEN, UMM Secretary 
     Bill Child, UMM Treasurer - (856) 829-4933 or e-mail:
Check our Calendar for upcoming events. Click HERE.
Check back often for updates !
Send comments or suggestions for this page to 
Asbury men gathered for monthly breakfast (Aug 2006)