Asbury United Methodist Church, Cinnaminson, NJ
Tuesday, October 22, 2024

> Testimonials

Social time before Sunday worship service - everyone is talking!
Want to know what the congregation of Asbury UMC has to say about their church, their pastor and their relationship with God? 
This is what makes Asbury UMC SO special!!!
(Note: you too are invited to send us your own testimonial - see Contact Us page)
(click on the phrases below to see full testimonial text...)



"I came to Asbury UMC because the Lord wanted me here!  My dad died in July, 1999.  Pastor John was the fourth or fifth Methodist minister who was contacted to do my dad's funeral.  All the other ministers were busy.  I had been away from the Methodist church for 40 years, but not from the Lord.  When Pastor John was preaching at my dad's funeral, the Holy Spirit came over me and I had to hear more from this man.  So, two weeks after my dad's funeral, I took a deep breath and came to a Sunday service at Asbury.  Let me tell you that I was scared and it took guts for me to walk into Asbury church by myself.  The Lord was gently prodding me to attend.  As soon as I stepped across the threshold, I knew that I had come home.  A peace came over me.  I was met at the door and graciously welcomed.  I felt so warm, comfortable and at ease.  Pastor John's sermon inspired me as never before.  I could not believe how I was feeling and how close I was with my Lord that day.  During the service, Pastor John asked for any prayer requests or praises.  I stood up and praised the Lord for bringing me back to church after 40 years.  I could not get over the friendliness of the people.  I received many welcomes and hopes that I would return.  I have been at Asbury every since then and help out where and when I can."
- Carol F. 

"From the first Sunday we "dropped by" to try out the Asbury services, we felt that special connection with the friendly family that is Asbury.  Pastor John was so open to newcomers.  We couldn't get over the vibrant spirit of the congregation which was engaged in lively exchanges before the service-it was like a reunion!  Then between John's humor that had everybody engaged and laughing as he delivered his welcome and Jesus' messages supported by Ken and Nancy's music behind the beautiful choir's songs, we found ourselves realizing we had found our new church family and home.  We truly feel that it was God working through that first listing in the Yellow Pages that brought us here, and we never looked elsewhere after that first Sunday.  Since then, we have become so involved that the first impression turned out to be a lasting one.  This really is "a growing church with a big heart".
- Pam and Jim G.

"The message I receive each week (at worship service) makes me keep coming back for more.  The church family is the BEST!  Pastor John was so wondrful when I joined Asbury.  He even came to the house for my husband (who was housebound then, and now with the Lord....) and made him a member also; God is GOOD!  Praise Him!"
- Helen V.

"I was baptized, confirmed and married at Asbury, and although I have come and gone through the years - away to college, away working in another state, and just because sometimes people drift away from their church, I have always felt that this was "my" church.  When my husband and I relocated back to NJ, we often talked about getting back to church, but never did.  It was the birth of our son Warren that was really the catalyst.  We both wanted to raise our son in a Christian environment, including regular attendance at church.  There was never really any question which church it would be."
- Dot B.

"I have been coming to Asbury for approximately 30 years. It has been a truly wonderful journey. There have been ups and downs but always blessings along the way. My Asbury family has always supported me in good times and in bad. Pastor John is not just my pastor but also my friend. I feel truly blessed to be a part of this wonderful congregation and to be a part of God's family."  
- Betti S.

"After searching for a long time,we were invited to Asbury by the Petittes. We knew from the first visit we had found a home. There is a true Spirit found at Asbury from the word of God we hear each week to the fellowship with our congregation. What a true blessing Asbury has been to us."
- Sweda H 

When the web team last met I was reminded that I had yet to share my testimonial about how I became involved at Asbury. As I thought about what I wanted to share I realized I have been attending Asbury for almost 20 years. When I started coming to Asbury it was because of my Mom’s recommendation. In those early days I was a bit sporadic and tried other churches, but, somehow always ended up back at Asbury. There really was no comparison! 

When visiting at other churches it wasn’t uncommon for no one to speak to you & oftentimes to get the feeling you were getting a sideways look because you sat in “their seat”. 

That never happened when I came to Asbury! I was always made to feel at home and like I had always been here! It wasn’t until I had something to compare it to that I came to understand what a special place Asbury is & that I was supposed to be here! We truly have a special church that continues to be richly blessed by God!

- Glen 


"After shopping around for a new church for my family without success (7 churches visited of various faiths), I stopped by for Sunday service on the recommendation of a friend.  Pastor John's sermon touched me, his message being both understandable to me and interesting, even entertaining.  Before I realized it, more than an hour had passed and service was over.  That was enough to draw me back for a second visit the following Sunday.  Imagine my surprise when Pastor John greeted me by my first name!  After only one Sunday he remembered my name, wow!  I've never stopped coming back since, feeling so at home here at Asbury, getting to know a church family that is not judgmental, just open and welcoming.  That's a church for me!"  
- Lisa