Asbury United Methodist Church, Cinnaminson, NJ
Tuesday, February 04, 2025

> Sign Inspirations

Jesus Satisfies                                      
You asked for a sign- here it is!    
We need to talk - God
If God is your co pilot- switch seats
Don't put a question mark where God put a period
God answers knee mail
Keep the Faith                                        
Congrats Pastor John on 2006 Denman Award
You must be born again   John 3:6
Liberty is genuine only if you give it to others
As we have opportunity, let us do good to all.  Gal. 6:10
Sign broken, come inside for message
His Pain, Our Gain
God has an 800 number: Prayer
Prayer Changes Things!
Live with the goal in view!
Got Jesus?
God doesn't call the qualified, he qualifies the called
Fear is unbelief in disguise.
Forecast for Heaven- Reign Forever 
The extra mile is never crowded 
Experience is the name everyone gives their mistakes
Extreme times demand deep faith 
ASAP Always Say a Prayer!
Jesus can turn you e-f-i-l around!
LIGODFE What’s in your life?  
Don't fear ghosts; believe in the Holy Ghost!
Even a small light can dispel darkness!
Harvest Festival!  All you can eat roast beef dinner.
Homecoming Sunday November 19th.  Come in for a faith lift!
It's Happening!  Ground Breaking Ceremony Dec 3rd at 3pm 
Avoid the Christmas rush, worship with us Sunday at 9:30        
Jesus is the Reason for the Season!  Christmas Eve Services at 7& 11
Silent Night, Holy Night
Let your resolution be His solution.
Trials can be Gods way to triumph.
When life gets you down, take time to look up! 
God doesn't call the qualified, he qualifies the called.  
Rapture:  The only way to fly.  
You are on Heaven's Most Wanted List!
What if God is asking you for a sign?
Beat the Easter Rush, Come to Church this Sunday 
No Pain No Palm, No Thorns No Throne, No Cross No Crown
Only a Risen Savior Can Save a Dying World
TGGF Thank God for Good Friday
He is Risen!
Happy Hour Here Every Sunday
Want to Avoid Burning?  Use Son Block!
Salvation: It Does a Person Good! 
Honor Your Mother!  Happy Mothers Day!
There's no business like soul business!
Like your Freedom?  Thank a Vet
Exposure to the Son will prevent burning.
You are on Heaven's Most Wanted List!
Setbacks Pave the Way for Comebacks!
God is a Promise Keeper
Same management for over 2000 years
The source of light knows no power failure
To be almost saved is to be totally lost
Members Only.  Trespassers will be baptized.
Build bridges, not walls!
For all you do, His blood's for you!
And God said, "Let there be Light!"
Follow the leader that follows the Father!
Turn or Burn
In God We Trust
If you think its hot here!
Free trip to Heaven- details inside
Don’t work for a living, work for a giving
Jesus Christ is Lord, not a swear word
Faith keeps the person that keeps the faith
If you pause to think, you’ll pause to thank!
No grace, no glory!
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet & a light unto my path
Our Father knows best!
Got Jesus?
American ends with I can
Come in for a faith lift!
God always performs what he promises!
God is able!
Take a God look at yourself!
Faith removes mountains or tunnels through
Real Thanksgiving is Thanksliving!
Jesus Recycled Me!
In happy moments, praise God
Beat the Easter rush, come to Church this Sunday!
Enjoy today compliments of God
Jesus is coming. Don’t miss him for the world!
He is Risen!
Let go & Let God
Grace: God’s riches at Christ’s expense
Jesus believes in you!
Only believe!
Peace: Security in the midst of turmoil
Fear: False evidence appearing real
Faith goes where eyes can’t see
Extreme times demand deep faith
Help is just a prayer away
Grace is free, but, it’s not cheap
Herein determines the hereafter
In difficult moments seek God
Christ crossed out our sins on Calvary
Where God guides, He provides
When in doubt, Faith it!
Because of God’s grace failure is never final
Freely you have received, freely give
Test God’s resources, try the impossible
If there is no way out, there is a way up         
 Up from the grave he arose
Spring into life with Jesus
Come worship in the Sonshine
Spring is God’s greeting card
Dark clouds bring showers of blessing
Gospel begins with go
When life is hard, pray harder
This Church is being built on the Rock
Every saint has a past, every sinner has a future
Fear is unbelief in disguise
Nobody is poor who has a Godly mother
Forgive your enemies, nothing annoys them more
Remember those who serve
You can’t slide uphill
Don’t give up! Moses was a basket case too!
Eternity- smoking or non-smoking?
A growing Church with a big heart
Jesus accepts no imitations
Walmart is not the only saving place!
God allows U-turns
Grace happens
God never says Oops!
Aspire to inspire before you expire
The Church- Band of the free, Home of the saved
Come inside, this Church is prayer conditioned
Get a life, see John 3:16
If you think it’s hot here…
Courage is fear that has said its prayers
Love is an action verb
Try our Sundays
Humility goes before honor. Proverbs 15:33
Step out in faith on the promises of God
God often digs the wells of joy with the spade of sorrow
The Saints win here every Sunday
A trying time is no time to quit trying
When things go wrong, don’t go with them
One cross plus three nails equals forgiven
Do more than give- serve
Ask about our pray as you go plan!
God sets us free from the need to wear masks
You cannot enjoy victory until you have fought the battle
Let go and let God
Let your outside show a good inside
Where God guides, God provides
Seven days without prayer makes one weak
Get an afterlife!
What if God is asking you for a sign?
The victim of Good Friday is the Victor of Easter
The Cross cast a shadow across satan’s plans
Our greatest freedom is freedom from sin
How great Thou art
Do you know where you’ll spend eternity?
Life is fragile, handle with prayer
LIGODFE- what’s in your life?
Faith is not a sprint but a long distance run
Smile! God loves you!
Remember that American ends with I can!
Have you met my friend Jesus?
Christians never meet for the last time!
Life’s trials are God’s school of faith!
God will supply, we must apply
Why not? Why not you? Why not now?
 Life is short, pray hard
Are you living or existing?
Jesus was born that we might be born again!
His Name is Wonderful!
Away in a Manger
Unto you is born this day a Savior
Jesus is a gift to be shared!
Wise men still seek Him!
Merry Christmas!
Resolution for 2010- to know Jesus better!
Let your resolution be His solution!
Don't lessen the lesson!
Help is just a prayer away!
God is as good as His word
Love in deed is love indeed!
Attempt great things for God
God gives new beginnings
Deep calls unto deep
Laughter is God's medicine
Opportunity is often inconvenient
Trials are often blessings in disguise
Do good & don't worry to whom
Prayer will give you a calm plex!
Worship is the best response to Resurrection!
For all you do, His blood's for you!
Christ is Risen!
Where are you going?
Why are you here?
For this, I have Jesus
Seven days without prayer makes on weak
Happy Mother's Day!
Lord, give me the persistence of a weed!
The fruit of love is service
Need directions? - God
Got Jesus?
Like your freedom? Thank a Vet!
Freedom comes with a price!  Thanks to all who serve!
God may break us in order to remake us!
Feeling down today?  Look up!
Happy Father's Day!
Well done is better than well said.  - Ben Franklin
You can't win if you're playing for a tie!
God Bless the USA!
When I am weak, God is strong!
We're now open between Christmas & Easter!
Jesus Christ, the same today, tomorrow & Forever!
Be still & know that I am God
Life is short, Read the Book
In the dark?  Follow the Son!
Christmas Preparation Headquarters!
Merry Mas!  It's not the same without Christ!
Come all ye thankful
A grateful mind is a great mind
Happy Birthday Jesus!
What's the reason?
Jesus loves you snow much
TGIF- Today God is First
Let your resolution be His solution
God can make all things new- even you