Asbury United Methodist Church, Cinnaminson, NJ
Monday, March 31, 2025

> Asbury Photos

At Asbury we have many activities and often capture them in our photo albums offered here for your enjoyment.  We hope and pray that this sharing will inspire you to come out and join our church family for many of the events listed in the calendar on our web site.

Please feel free to offer your own photos by contacting the web team either directly in church or via e-mail to

Enjoy the many blessings our Asbury church family has to offer through these hundreds of photo memories . . .

Asbury video clips . . .

Asbury Expansion Groundbreaking Ceremony 12/3/2007:

(this may take a few minutes to download and appear below as the linked image - just click twice on the image when it appears to view the video)



(below) Web site "native" photo albums . . .


2011 Men's Cooking Demonstration  to Asbury Church Family (2/27)

2011 Men's Cooking Demonstration to Asbury Church Family (2/27)

Once again, the Asbury United Methodist Men delighted an audience of over 70 members who came out to be entertained and fed the good foods our chef's prepared table side. 
This was the 4th annual event of cooking shows.

We don't know who enjoyed it more, 
the men preparing or 
the audience 
laughing and enjoying the event.  

A special note of thanks to those who may not have made the photo gallery,
especially our volunteers who worked the kitchen duty - 
Norm Roton and Earl Fynan - 

and to our photographers, 
Pam Gleason and Gwen Doll.

Click on a title below to watch the video of each chef's presentation:
Asbury at Christmas, December 2006

Asbury at Christmas, December 2006

Pastor John offers his Christmas blessing

Asbury Egg program 2013

Asbury Egg program 2013

 Enjoy this album of Asbury members and friends in the process of creating over 63,000 of the famous Asbury Eggs that are sold and shared all over the community (and even to troops overseas!) - photos courtesy of Barry Davies
Asbury Expansion - Construction 7-20-07 - Pouring the Basement Floors

Asbury Expansion - Construction 7-20-07 - Pouring the Basement Floors

Asbury Expansion - Construction 7-25-07

Asbury Expansion - Construction 7-25-07

An update as of July 25, 2007

Asbury Expansion - Construction 8/7/2007 - The completed walls

Asbury Expansion - Construction 8/7/2007 - The completed walls

And progress continues, as can be seen in these photos with the completed walls up taken August 7, 2007. 

Truely, "Its happening!"

Asbury Expansion - Construction Progress 8/1 thru 8/3/2007

Asbury Expansion - Construction Progress 8/1 thru 8/3/2007

And the progress continues....

Asbury Expansion - Construction Walk Through of 2nd Story 8/12/07

Asbury Expansion - Construction Walk Through of 2nd Story 8/12/07

Take a moment and walk up this plank and experience the second floor of our new church in progress!
Defibrillator Training 2015

Defibrillator Training 2015

Asbury nurse, Deb Bofinger, trains church members annually in use of our life saving heart defibrillator device (the device is housed just outside the 1st floor elevator door)
Men's Cooking Demonstration 2/15/2009 to Asbury Church Family

Men's Cooking Demonstration 2/15/2009 to Asbury Church Family

Once again, the Asbury United Methodist Men delighted an audience of over 70 members who came out to be entertained and fed the good foods our chef's prepared table side.  

We don't know who enjoyed it more,
the men preparing or
the audience
laughing and enjoying the event.  

A special note of thanks to those who may not have made the photo gallery,
especially our volunteers who worked the kitchen duty -
Norm Roton and Earl Fynan -

and to our photographers,
Pam Gleason and Gwen Doll.

Men's Cooking Demonstration 2/9/07 to Asbury Women's group

Men's Cooking Demonstration 2/9/07 to Asbury Women's group

Souper Sunday 2015

Souper Sunday 2015

Judy Taylor, caretaker for our Sunday konania after service social time refreshments, suggested for Super Bowl Sunday to host a "souper bowl Sunday" where congregants donated home made soups for all to enjoy.  Expecting maybe a few, the turnout exceeded expectations with seventeen different soups donated.  Everyone enjoyed tasting many varieties of the samples offered as can be seen in these photos.